GMAC (Hybrid) – Rove Premier Featured Farms Carts: 1G Vape Cartridge


  • Strain Type: Hybrid
  • Net Weight: 1 Gram
  • THC %: 86%
GMAC Rove Carts


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GMAC Rove Carts Featured Farms: 1000 MG Vape Pen Cartridge

GMAC Rove Premier Featured Farms Carts is a sativa-dominant mix. You can get it by mixing his famous MAC (Miracle Alien Cookies) strain with a pure Sativa Colombian landrace strain. It looks like Capulator wanted to take Miracle Alien Cookies, his famous mixed-race strain, and make it stronger for sativa fans. The G-MAC buds are made up of long, jagged leaves that are lime green and fern green.

They are hidden under a bunch of fuzzy orange pistils that look like caterpillars. Trichomes that are golden and look like wreaths wrap around the buds like Christmas tree ornaments. Many people said it made them happy and stimulated their thoughts. It also helped them relax and get rid of pain in their bodies. In addition, it made them happier, more creative, and less swollen. About 70% of G-MAC is sativa and 30% is indica. It is a mixed type most of the time.

Rove Premier Featured Farms GMAC Flavor Review

Pine and fresh lemons are the main smells of G-MAC. Lilacs and daisies are also present. When you smoke the strain, the sour lemon flavor gets stronger, and you get a flowery, perfume-like aftertaste. G-MAC is a sativa-dominant type of cannabis that is famous for how strong it is and how clear the high is. Capulator made G-MAC by mixing the first MAC strain with a landrace strain of Colombian sativa.

With lilac-like notes, GMAC Rove Featured Farms Cartridges smells like pine and lemon. G-MAC smells and tastes like lemon and pine, and the aftertaste is flowery and almost perfume-like. The G-MAC buds have sharp lime and fern-green leaves that are hidden under a mass of fuzzy orange pistils that look like caterpillars and golden wreaths of trichomes that look like Christmas tree ornaments.

GMAC Strain Effects

The THC level in GMAC Strain is always over 20%, making it a consistently strong strain. The most important terpene is Terpinolene, which is not very common. It is thought to work with Myrcene to relax the body’s muscles and nerves. Numerous reviews said that the crystal clear cerebral euphoria they felt energized and helped them concentrate.

This one-of-a-kind mix, along with the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects of the Beta Caryophyllene, makes for a very useful sativa that gets great reviews for helping people with chronic pain. Some people said this mix might be great for getting in touch with your body before you do yoga, Pilates, or meditate. In the same way, artists and singers like it because they say it makes them more creative and gives them a smooth energy boost.

Product Features

  • Effects: Euphoric, creative, relaxed
  • Strain Type: Hybrid (Sativa-dominant)
  • Net Weight: 1 Gram
  • Flavor: Diesel, earthy, sweet
  • Aroma: Earthy, gassy, pungent
  • THC Percentage: 86%
  • Number of Puffs: Approximately 200